Emma (Saar) Husen (1853?-1923)

Source: Adrienne Karr from The Council Bluffs Nonpareil, October 10 &13, 1923

Webmaster Note: Emma does NOT have a stone, but her husband Henry does. Also, she does NOT have a burial record. Per Adrienne Karr, research of the Salem Lutheran records shows that the year 1923 is written in the burial section, but there are no records after that. Also note that her obituary says that her age was 73 years old when she died in 1923, but per Adrienne's research, Emma was born in about 1853, possibly making her 69 instead of 73 years old.

Mrs. Emma Husen.

Mrs. Emma Husen, age 73 years, died early Wednesday morning at the home of her brother, John D. Saar, 616 Twentieth avenue, after a brief illness. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William Cross of this city and Mrs. Edgar Fisk of Omaha; three sons, John, James and Herman Husen, all of Council Bluffs. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Sophia Weiss of Woodbine, and two brothers, Ferdinand Saar of this city and John D. Saar at whose home she died.

Deceased had been a resident of Council Bluffs for the past seven years, coming here from her former home in Mills county, where she had lived all her life. She was a member of the German Lutheran church at Plumer settlement. The body was removed to King's parlors, where it will remain until the hour of the funeral. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon with brief services from King's chapel at 1 o'clock and other services from the German Lutheran church in Plumer settlement at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Hoff of Treynor officiating at both services. Interment will be in the Plumer cemetery in Mills county.

Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Husen who died Wednesday morning were held Friday afternoon with both services at 1 o'clock from King's chapel and other services at 2:30 o'clock from the German Lutheran church in the Plumer settlement, Rev. Hoff of Treynor officiating at both services. The pall bearers were all relatives of the deceased: they were, sons: John Husen, James Husen and Herman Husen; two brothers John Saar and Ferninand Saar, and one son-in-law, William Cross.

The funeral was very largely attended and there were many beautiful floral tributes. Interment was in the Plumer cemetery in Mills county.